Getting Started on Poliwager Forums!
Welcome to Poliwager!
It's an honor to see you here! It really is! We really hope you enjoy our site with all the eggs you can adopt and all the users you can talk to.
...what's that? You wish you could talk to other users more? Well then lucky for you, we have the Poliwager Forums to help you with! And lucky for you, I'm here to tell you all there is to Poliwager forums. You must be the luckiest person there is to get all this info!
What is a Forums?
But a miserable pile of secrets. But luckily for us we can find out what these secrets truly are.
Forums have four levels of organization at their basic core:
Categories: These are the big topics that have everything else go under them. At the time of this writing, we have newest post, Forum and Site, Pokemon, and General. Clicking on one of these headers will let you go down to the next level. Like a video game!
Boards: These are one level down of categories. You can see these on the main page without needing to click on Categories too! These helps organize what gets talked where, so you don't need to search for 3,000 years to find one thing. Adoptables talk will go in adoptables, forum talk in forums, you get the idea. It's like a nicely cleaned room, if you are lucky enough to have one.
Topics: Now this is where the real meat and potatoes are. These are the talking points or threads that anyone can create. You can talk about anything you want here with starting a topic. Just make sure it goes by the rules, and it is in the right place, so I have to do less work fixing it. You'll do that for me right? please? You don't want to see a cutie like me beg for you, do you?
Replies: This is where you can say your thoughts out loud on someone's topic. Try to keep it on topic with how the conversation is going! The chatterbox can be a good place to start once you get used to the forums!
Making and Editing a Profile
Congrats on getting this far! Now you are one step closer to poling and wagging it up. Now the secret to make a profile is clicking on the "Register" button you see at the top right. After agreeing to the terms, we can really start making a profile. This should be the first thing you see after you click on the button. As long as your eyes are open that is.
Most of this is quite self-explanatory I want to say, but if I am wrong later you can hit me with a chair. Once you got all of that entered, and the secret bot preventing "Confirmation of registration" code that I legally cannot say here, you will now be able to edit your profile! Editing your profile is easy. After you log in or make your profile, you can click on the drop-down menu by your name to see all the fun options just ready for you. As a quick rundown of things, only because I like you so much, yes you!
Profile - This lets you see all of your profile! It includes your info you entered for profile creation, your stats, and your signature!
User Control Panel - Here links to some of the other tabs you could click on. This lets you edit your profile, board preferences (like themes), private messages, the user groups you are in, and your friends and foes (foes are blocked users).
Edit Signature - Now this lets you edit the block of text that appears under your post. Most of the time people like to put their adoptables Pokémon here. Or you can put anything here that floats your boat. As a secret tip from me, you can spoil your adoptable Pokémon, so they don't take as much space up!
Edit Avatar - choose an image of your liking to be your profile picture, or just choose one from the gallery. I heard one of the gallery profile pictures is awesome.
View Subscription - Shows what topics you are subscribed to! These topics will notify you when they get an update.
View Bookmarks - Shows what topics you have bookmarked! An easy way to come back to certain topics for later.
View Drafts - shows what drafts you have been working on. Drafts are private post you can make to make sure your topic looks the best it can be. I have my fair share of drafts saved up.
Your Posts - Shows all the post you have done! For better, or for worse. I have some embarrassing I done when I was younger. haha
Logout - Logs you out of the forums so you can go enjoy your real life. We will miss you and hope you come back soon!