Mystery Counter

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Mystery Counter
The Mystery Counter progress bar

The Mystery Counter is a daily feature on Poliwager Adoptables. The Mystery Counter was added sometime in 2011[1]. If enough activity on the site is reached, the Mystery Counter will break. The day after the Mystery Counter breaks, there will be various bonuses for everyone on the site. The Site Stats page shows a text description of how far along the Mystery Counter is.

Two bonuses occur on the site the day after the Mystery Counter was broken. A 2x is applied for the entire day and Legendary Pokémon start to spawn on the Adopt Page. The Legendary Pokémon that spawn are determined by the current season on the site. They have a low chance to spawn at every 15 minute interval starting at 12:00 am.

Season Legendary Trio
Spring Legendary Birds
Summer Legendary Beasts
Autumn Lake Guardians
Winter Forces of Nature

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Forces of Nature are the only Mystery Counter exclusive Legendaries that take 30,720 steps to hatch rather than 20,480.
    • Gen 5 has another trio, the Swords of Justice, which do take 20,480 steps. The Forces of Nature were chosen instead due to a roaming mechanic from the games that is shared with the other trios.
  • On average 10 Legendaries spawn on a Mystery Counter day.
  • The Mystery Counter's 2x multiplier stacks with the Money Monday bonus for a 4x money bonus.